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Premium-Quality Supplements

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PureHealth Research

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$47.7 Per Bottle

YOU SAVE: $127.8

By selecting "Subscribe & Save" option above, you agree to receive a shipment of CurbFit every 6 months. You are authorizing us to charge your credit card every 6 months, matching the package you have selected. Coupon or discount codes can only be applied to initial purchases and such discounts do not apply to future autoship products. You can stop shipments at any time in your customer account or by calling our customer support team toll free at (888) 558-9836, Mon - Sun 24/7, Outside the US, call us at +1-863-301-4007. All terms & conditions apply

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Enjoy a FULL YEAR to try CurbFit and experience the results for yourself. If you’re not 100% SATISFIED – simply let us know and we’ll gladly refund your money – guaranteed.

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“How To Get Fit Fast” & “10 Secrets Models and Celebrities Use to Look Great In Any Photo”



“I didn’t recognize you… you look AMAZING!” You can expect to hear compliments like that quite often with the FAT-BURNING-BONFIRE you’ll experience with our incredible NEW APPETITE SUPPRESSANT. It boasts 7 premium quality botanicals, scientifically proven as outstanding appetite-curbing heroes and metabolism boosters. But more than that, they reduce carb break down into sugar and blockade fat storage for accelerated weight loss. This superior weight loss aid taken with a healthy diet helps keep you on track, energized, and enthusiastic… you’ll WANT to exercise. Introducing PureHealth Research’s NEW pride and joy, Doctor-Approved CurbFIT!



Yestein™ Fermended Nutritional Yeast Protein

Yestein™ Fermended Nutritional Yeast Protein

Yestein™ Fermended Nutritional Yeast Protein:
Turns OFF cravings! YESTEIN™ is a sustainable, non-GMO vegan protein is derived from the probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) and significantly enhances gut microflora diversity. It contains 80% protein, 6% dietary fiber, and 21% branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), which includes all 9 essential amino acids. This high-quality protein has the highest PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) rating of 1.0 by the FAO/WHO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization). And this slow-digesting protein REDUCES CRAVINGS and boosts the maintenance of muscle mass, which burns more calories.*

African Mango

African Mango

African Mango:
Waist-shrinking Mango! This amazing seed fights one of your skinny hormone’s biggest enemies: excessive levels of C-reactive protein (CRP). In fact, a recent clinical study shows how this seed slashes your CRP levels in half! African mango seed is also shown to help people lose up to 28 pounds in just 10 weeks.*

<em>Salacia oblonga</em> Extract (root)

Salacia oblonga Extract (root)

Salacia oblonga Extract (root):
Multi-target protection! Evidence suggests Salacia blocks carbs absorption, reducing rising blood sugar and fat storage. Studies also show that Salacia effectively lowers cholesterol and triglycerides and increases the HDL cholesterol levels in patients with impaired blood glucose levels.***

Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha Root:
Ancient Ashwagandha triumphs! New research out of Harvard shows how this Ayurvedic herb works to restore the sensitivity of your brain’s leptin receptors. This helps you feel more satisfied when you eat and kicks off your body’s natural calorie and fat burning. To top it off, ashwagandha reduces stress and stress-related overeating to help make weight loss easier. And it’s packed with antioxidants, essential for weight loss and overall well-being.*

Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon:
Boosts metabolism! Cinnamon’s high fiber reduces food cravings by promoting a feeling of satiety and fullness.* Studies show how Ceylon cinnamon blocks the absorption of fat and calories. In fact, one study showed how Ceylon cinnamon could actually force dietary fat out of your body. Ceylon cinnamon is 250 times less dangerous than the coumarin found in Cassia cinnamon. And it takes more energy for your body to process this spice, boosting your metabolism.**

Maqui Berry

Maqui Berry

Maqui Berry:
Magnificent Maqui has the highest antioxidant content on Earth! 100 grams has an ORAC score of 27,600 (Acai= 16,700, Blueberries=4669).** Lab studies demonstrate Maqui compounds positively affect the breakdown and use of carbs for energy.* In a 3-month clinical study in people with impaired blood glucose, 180 mg of Maqui Berry Extract daily reduced average blood sugar levels by an impressive 5%. Lowering glucose levels reduces fat storage!**

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive Leaf Extract:
Olive Leaf blockades fat! A 2014 animal study found Olive Leaf Extract blocked weight gain from a high-fat diet. Researchers believe Olive Leaf regulates genes protecting against excess weight gain. It also reduces appetite and food intake.*

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We all want to look like a movie star, bursting with confidence and the optimism that comes with that. And now, CurbFIT makes that a REAL POSSIBILITY. The foremost challenge of weight loss are cravings and hunger pangs. Why is it the moment you go on a diet, you can’t STOP thinking of food? It’s like a Murphy’s Law. That’s why we at PureHealth Research developed this powerful, natural appetite suppressant to help you reach your goals.

But losing excess flab means so much more than window dressing. Losing excess weight makes a striking impact on your health. It reduces the burden on your heart and joints. Excess fat triggers your immune system into a state of chronic response, dramatically increasing your risk for chronic diseases.

Belly fat is a hazardous type of fat called visceral adipose tissue (VAT). VAT releases fatty acids that enter your bloodstream, increasing blood fats and gets deposited in your liver. Fat in the liver leads to haywire immune responses, scarring, fibrous deposits and disease. High levels of blood fats put you at risk for heart disease, clots and life-threatening events. And the risks don’t stop there.

Isn’t it time you took action to skyrocket your energy, revamp your health markers, and ensure your independence during your golden years?

CurbFIT is your dream-future in a bottle!


Experts say that losing even 5-10% of your body weight can make a significant difference to your health by helping:*

  • Decrease systolic and diastolic levels, reducing the risk for heart disease
  • Improve “good” HDL, reducing the risk for heart disease
  • Improve triglyceride levels
  • Reduce glucose hormone resistance and A1C levels
  • Improve or reverse sleep apnea
  • Reduce blood vessel damage, reducing the risk of clots and plaque
  • Increase energy & vitality

Even small increments of weight loss help motivate you to become more active and enthusiastic about healthier life choices. As your friends and family take notice, sparking a happy tingle of satisfaction, encouraging you to design a healthier lifestyle permanently.

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The scientifically proven natural ingredients in NEW Doctor-Approved CurbFIT help you reach your goals with EASE by helping:

  • Promote healthy weight loss
  • Block carbs absorption
  • Block cravings
  • Reduce hunger hormone & appetite
  • Up-level feeling full & satisfied
  • Blockade fat storage
  • Regulate weight gaining genes
  • Boost metabolism
  • Target belly fat
  • Fight free radicals unleashed during fat loss
  • Reduce stress
  • Support healthy blood glucose & cholesterol
  • Maintain healthy aging muscle mass
  • Enhance healthy immunity

Watch your smile grow as your waistline shrinks. Grab CurbFIT today, reclaim your health, secure your golden independence and score a dynamic, vibrant life while looking fabulous!


SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, adults take three (3) capsules daily. For best results, take maximum 3 separate servings per day with 6-8 fl oz of water or as directed by a healthcare professional.

SAFETY FACTS: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

Supplement facts


Vitamin Angels

Thanks to our customers:


children already gained access to life-changing nutritional support.

1 to 1 Charity Support Program
1 bottle = life-changing nutritional support to 1 child in need

We’re proud to partner with Vitamin Angels to enrich health and hope. Through our partnership, underserved women and children across the U.S. and around the world receive the nutritional support needed to build the foundation for a healthy future. Every bottle purchased from PureHealth Research provides critical life-changing nutrition for a young child through Vitamin Angels!

Thank you for helping us build a brighter future for kids everywhere!

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How exactly will CurbFIT help me achieve easier and lasting weight loss?

PureHealth Research’s CurbFIT repairs one of the leading causes of stubborn excess weight – leptin resistance. Leptin is your body’s “skinny hormone” that tells your body to stop eating when you’re full. It also tells your body to burn off the calories you eat and body fat you have stored.

Put an end to yo-yo dieting and failed efforts to lose weight with the help of CurbFIT by PureHealth Research! These natural ingredients are clinically and scientifically shown to repair your brain’s delicate leptin receptors and block two culprits that damage these receptors so you can finally lose pounds of stubborn belly fat, arm fat, leg fat, and more. It helps you “stick with” a healthy diet, shutdown cravings and afternoon energy crashes, boosting energy for activities and helping you permanently ditch flab and score that “I love my body” vibes!

REMEMBER! We at PureHealth Research pride ourselves in delivering only the purest supplements, which is precisely why CurbFIT, (like all of PureHealth Research’s products), was designed using only Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in an FDA APPROVED facility.

What are the effective ingredients in CurbFIT?


CurbFIT works to repair your broken “skinny hormone” – leptin - by re-sensitizing your brain’s leptin receptors. This unique formula also blocks the 2 culprits that contribute to leptin resistance, increases your body’s calorie and fat burning, crushes sugar cravings, and reduces stress-related overeating. It includes...

  • Ashwagandha: New research out of Harvard shows how this Ayurvedic herb works to restore the sensitivity of your brain’s leptin receptors. This helps you feel more satisfied when you eat and kicks off your body’s natural calorie and fat burning. To top it off, ashwagandha reduces stress and stress-related overeating to help make weight loss easier. And it’s packed with antioxidants, essential for weight loss and overall well-being.
  • African Mango Seed: This amazing seed fights one of your skinny hormone’s biggest enemies: excessive levels of C-reactive protein (CRP). In fact,a recent clinical study shows how this seed slashes your CRP levels in half! African mango seed is also shown to help people lose up to 28 pounds in just 10 weeks.
  • YESTEIN™ Fermented Nutritional Yeast Protein (Deactivated): Turns OFF cravings! This sustainable, non-GMO vegan protein is derived from the probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) and significantly enhances gut microflora diversity. It contains 80% protein, 6% dietary fiber, and 21% branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), which includes all 9 essential amino acids. This high-quality protein has the highest PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) rating of 1.0 by the FAO/WHO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization). And its slow-digesting protein REDUCES CRAVINGS and boosts the maintenance of muscle mass, which burns more calories.
  • Ceylon Cinnamon: Cinnamon’s high fiber reduces food cravings by promoting a feeling of satiety and fullness. Studies show how Ceylon cinnamon blocks the absorption of fat and calories. In fact, one study showed how Ceylon cinnamon could actually force dietary fat out of your body. Ceylon cinnamon is 250 times less dangerous than the coumarin found in Cassia cinnamon. And it takes more energy for your body to process this spice, boosting your metabolism.

Does CurbFIT really work...?

YES! PureHealth Research designed CurbFIT using only fresh, pure, natural ingredients proven to help you:

  • Supercharge your calorie and fat burning
  • Feel more satisfied when you eat
  • Block the 2 culprits that break your skinny hormone, leptin
  • Lower your appetite
  • Crush cravings for sugar
  • Reduce stress-related overeating

How many bottles of CurbFIT am I allowed to order today?

If you want to get the weight loss results you deserve, then we highly recommend STOCKING UP to SAVE MORE today with our special discount package. Get 6 bottles of CurbFIT at the rock-bottom price of just $1.77 a day. Risk-free savings to help you enjoy lasting weight loss.

REMEMBER! We know you’ll love how CurbFIT will help you reactivate your skinny hormone so you never fear the bathroom scale again. But if it’s not for you, let us know within 12 months and you’ll get your money back.

This exclusive package allows you to take advantage of our lowest possible prices, without the worry of increasing costs and/or additional shipping fees later.

Who can use CurbFIT?

CurbFIT was formulated for men and women who want to reactivate their “skinny hormone” to finally lose pounds of stubborn arm fat, belly fat, and leg fat.

Caution: Please consult your primary healthcare provider if you have a chronic health condition, particularly inflammatory bowel disease, before taking this product.

Disclaimer Disclaimer Disclaimer

Should I use CurbFIT long-term?

YES! Remember, many ingredients in food today contribute to leptin resistance by causing a flood of CRP in your body. In addition, your body fat can overproduce leptinwhich also causes leptin resistance. And this leptin resistance can make you feel hungry all the time while also slowing down your fat and calorie burning. But new research shows how these ingredients fight excess CRP and leptin to keep your “skinny hormone” working at full power. So you can enjoy lasting weight loss.

We highly suggest using CurbFIT daily and LONG-TERM for optimal and consistent results.

Are there any known side effects of using CurbFIT?

Each premium quality ingredient in CurbFIT is natural and has shown health benefits in human studies or clinical trials without harsh side effects.

We recommend you consult your physician or healthcare provider before using any supplement if you have a chronic condition or inflammatory bowel disease.

How Do You Use CurbFIT?

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, adults take three (3) capsules daily. For best results, take maximum 3 separate servings per day with 6-8 fl oz of water or as directed by a healthcare professional.

How can I order CurbFIT right now?

CurbFIT is available on this website. Just click the button on this page, and you'll be redirected to a secure order page to make your selection. And congratulations on taking the first step toward a more energetic, shaplier you!

Discover how to get CurbFIT for the low price of $2.30 a day below! Or SAVE $96 and score 6 bottles for only $1.77 per day.

Remember! Every order comes with complimentary Shipping, Easy Tracking & a 365-Day Ironclad Money-Back Guarantee.

Will I be able to track my order once it has been placed?

ABSOLUTELY! Feel at ease knowing you can track your order at any time. Once we process your order, you’ll get an email with your confirmation details. If you have any questions, please emailus or call our experts 24/7 for assistance. Toll-free at (888) 558-9836, Mon – Sun 24/7. Outside the US, call us at +1-863-301-4007. Email: support@purehealthresearch.com

End the uphill weight loss battle and discourging yo-yo dieting with the help of CurbFIT and take advantage of this HUGE discount RIGHT NOW.

What are you waiting for?

365 Day Money Back Guarantee


Enjoy a FULL YEAR to try CurbFit and experience the results for yourself. If you’re not 100% SATISFIED – simply let us know and we’ll gladly refund your money – guaranteed.



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