Who is Dr. Holly Lucille, ND?
Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN, is a nationally recognized naturopathic doctor, educator, and author.

Dr. Holly Lucille, ND, RN

An expert in integrative medicine, Dr. Lucille shares her insights on programs like Dr. Oz, The Doctors, Lifetime, and the Discovery Health Channel. As an author, Dr. Lucille has written several books including Creating and Maintaining Balance: A Women’s Guide to Safe, Natural, Hormone Health and The Healing Power of Trauma Comfrey.
Dr. Holly Lucille is often quoted in consumer and peer journals, and was listed in Time magazine’s “Alt List” as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People. In 2012 she launched her own talk show, “Myth-Defying with Dr. Holly,” and is the host of the “Mindful Medicine” podcast on iTunes and RadioMD. In addition, Dr. Lucille serves on the boards of several medical and natural products, including the chair of the Institute for Natural Medicine.
Dr. Lucille is passionate about the art and science of natural healing, and believes we all have the power to be healthier. Her private practice is called Healing from Within Healthcare and is located in Los Angeles, California. In her private practice, Dr. Holly Lucille focuses on naturopathic medicine and individualized care for patients from all walks of life.
Dr. Lucille is passionate about the art and science of natural healing, and believes we all have the power to be healthier. Her private practice is called Healing from Within Healthcare and is located in Los Angeles, California. In her private practice, Dr. Holly Lucille focuses on naturopathic medicine and individualized care for patients from all walks of life.
PureHealth Research Product Suggestions and Reviews from Dr. Holly Lucille
Liver Health Formula
If you're feeling low energy, have "brain fog," or body fat you can't get rid of, that's a sign your liver may be overloaded with toxins. You see, your liver filters out and breaks down any drugs or chemicals that enter your bloodstream. Exposure to too many toxins can lead to kidney problems, even excessive bleeding.
If you're experiencing haziness or excess weight, I recommend you take action now. Liver Health Formula can help safeguard and boost your liver health, 100% naturally. Liver Health Formula contains scientifically-proven ingredients like turmeric, milk thistle, and Bioperine to help detoxify your liver safely.
Fungus Eliminator
If you're living with toenail fungus, it can be a real pain. There's the odor, the discomfort, and the embarrassment of having yellow, ragged-looking nails. And if the fungus spreads to other parts of your body, it can go from irritating to dangerous.
That's why it's important to take care of toenail fungus as soon as you spot it. Fungus Eliminator formula contains 9 premium botanicals like Wormwood, Bioperine, and Turmeric to boost healthy immunity function and guard against infection.
Nerve Regen Formula
If you experience numb, itchy, or stinging hands and feet, those are all symptoms of nerve problems. When your nerves get damaged, it makes it harder to sense temperature or feel pain. But without these signals, it's easy to injure yourself, and do long-term damage to your body and health.
So, if you ever feel numbness or other symptoms in your hands or feet, I recommend Nerve Regen Formula. The 12 nutrients and botanicals in Nerve Regen Formula support nerve growth and help restore nerve function and wellness.
Blood Sugar Formula
Do you struggle with unbalanced blood sugar, and the fatigue, headaches, and brain fog it can cause? As tough as blood sugar problems are, here's some good news: we now have a way to help restore balance, safely and naturally with Blood Sugar Formula.
It contains 17 premium nutrients like Biotin, Magnesium, Copper, and Zinc to support your metabolism and help balance blood sugar. Simply take 2 capsules a day to experience improved energy, reduced brain fog, and better moods.
Ageless Brain
Struggling with poor memory, anxiety, or brain fog? All these are common symptoms of poor brain health, which can be caused by stress, pollution, or unhealthy foods.
If you're looking for more focus and clarity, then Ageless Brain is for you. The 11 nutrients and botanicals in Ageless Brain help protect & rejuvenate your brain, so you can stay sharp at any age.
Minerals, vitamins, and plant extracts like Bacopa Extract, Huperzine-A, Vitamin B3, and GABA help your brain "clean house" and get rid of cellular waste, so you can think more clearly and remember more.